
命のリレー −皆様へのお願い− 













心 行

心行 目次



意識は大宇宙体を支配し 万生万物をして調和の姿を示さん
この大意識こそ大宇宙大神霊・仏なるべし神仏なるがゆえに 当体は大神体なり
かくの如く 万物すべて生命にしてエネルギーの塊りなることを悟るべし
神体なるがゆえに 大神殿なるべし
大神殿は 万生 魂の修行所なり
諸々の諸霊 皆ここに集まれり
さらに 宇宙体万生が 神意にかなう調和のとれた世界を建設せんがため己の魂を修行せることを悟るべし
過去世 現世 来世の三世は生命流転の過程にして
過去世は 己が修行せし前世すなわち過ぎ去りし実在界と現象界の世界なり
熱 光 環境 一切を含めてエネルギーの塊にしてわれら生命意識の修行所なり
意識の調和度により 段階あり
神仏と表裏一体の諸霊は 光明に満(み)ち実在の世界にあって
光の天使 すなわち諸如来 諸菩薩のことなり
光の天使は慈悲と愛の塊にしてあの世 この世の諸霊を導かん
さらに 諸天善神あり諸々の諸霊を 一切の魔より守り正しき衆生を擁護せん
この現象界におけるわれらは過去世において己(おのれ)が望み 両親より与えられし肉体という舟に乗り人生航路の海原へ己の意識・魂を磨き神意の仏国土を造らんがため生れ出でたることを悟るべし
肉体の支配者は 己(おのれ)の意識なり
善導せるがために 己の心は己自身に忠実になることを知るべし
しかるに 諸々の衆生は
己の肉体に 意識・心が支配され己が前世の約束を忘れ
自己保存 自我我欲に明け暮れて己の心の魔に支配され 神意に反しこの現象界を過ぎ行(ゆ)かん
また 生老病死の苦しみを受け己の本性も忘れ去るものなり
六根の調和は 常に中道を根本として己の正しい心に問うことなり 己の正しい心に問うことは反省にして反省の心は己の魂が浄化されることを悟るべし
守護指導霊に感謝し さらに反省は己の守護・指導霊の導きを受けることを知るべし
六根あるがゆえに 己が悟れば菩提と化すことを悟るべし
心身を調和し 常に健全な生活をし平和な環境を造るべし
肉体保存のエネルギー源は万生をふくめ 動物・植物・鉱物なり
神仏より与えられることを悟るべし 己の肉体が苦しめば 心脳乱しわが身楽なれば 情欲に愛着す
苦楽はともに正道成就の根本にあらず 苦楽の両極を捨て 中道に入り自己保存 自我我欲の煩悩を捨てるべし
正しく見 正しく思い 正しく語り
正しく仕事をなし 正しく生き
正しく道に精進(しょうじん)し 正しく念じ
かくの如き正法の生活のなかにこそ神仏の光明を得(え) 迷いの岸より悟りの彼岸に到達するものなり
このときに神仏の心と己の心が調和され心に安らぎを生(しょう)ぜん 心は光明の世界に入り三昧(さんまい)の境涯に到達せん 

 True Law

We have now seen and heard and taken refuge in the True Law

The vast body of the universe is the source of all that exists

All existents are in a state of interdependence and are subject to the Law of transmigration

The great universe that great realm of nature possesses consciousness

That consciousness controls the great body of the cosmos and causes all that exists to be in a state of  harmony

All  creatures of every kindexist in infinitely great compassion

The great body of the cosmos is the actual body of consciousness of God and at the center of consciousness is the  heart of God

We should realize that the heart is compassion  and love and that body and consciousness are indivisible identical  with each other

This great consciousness is the  Great Universethe Great Spirit of  Godand the Buddha Being  God  and the Buddha the body of consciousness  is the body  of God

We should know that in this phenomenal universeour solar system is no more than a small organ of the great body of the cosmos and that the earth  is a tiny cell of a larger organ

Being a cell of the body of consciousness the cell itself has consciousness

Because the great body of the cosmos is the body of Godthis phenomenal world that is the planet Earth is also the body of God


Being the body of Godit is the great temple of GodThe great temple is the training ground for the souls of every being

Spirits of every kind are gathered here

Transmigration of these spirits through the cycle of the three realms of pastpresent and future allows the refinement of the souls in the phenomenal world so that the Buddha−land Utopiamay be built in accordance with the will of God

We should further realize that all existents in the body of the cosmos pursure spiritual training in order to create a world of harmony conforming to the will of God


We should know that the three realms of past presentand future are the stage for the transmigration of life and that transmigration is eternally unchanging

The realm of the past is the worlds of reality and phenomena we passed through when training ourselves in previous states of existence

The realm of the present is this phenomenal worldwhere life and matter are identical Everything heat and light and the environment itself −is itself the energy of God and the training ground  for  our consciousness of life

We should give thanks for the environment of compassion and love bestowed upon us by God and the Buddha

The realm of the future is a state of a different dimension and is the world of the spirits that have left their physical bodies of the phenomenal world

There are levels of mental states according to the degree of harmonization of consciousness

They are the areas of the amount of light created by the degree of harmony between our heart and the hearts of God and the Buddha

Spirits at one with God and the Buddha are filled with the light of God and are Gods messengers of light who wisely guide other spirits from the world of reality They are called tathagatas and bodhisattvas

The phenomenal world has been entrusted to them by God and the Buddha.

They are compassion and love and guide the spirits in both this and other realms

There are also heavenly gods who protect the spirits from evil and assist righteous sentient beings

Those of Gods messengers who have a physical body in this world preach the True Law the Truth of God and lead being to the light of harmony

We should realize that we now in this phenomenal world are voyaging across the sea of life in the physical vessel given us by the parents we chose while in the other realm in order to refine our consciousnessour souland to create the BUDDHA−LAND in conformity with the will of God

The master of our physical body is our own consciousness.

In the center of consciousness is the heart We should be aware that the heart makes contact with the world of reality and that the spirits assigned to protect and guide us always lead us wisely

Because they lead us wisely our heart is faithful to ourselves

Howeverthe hearts of many are controlled by their physical bodiesand they forget the promises made in the realm of the past and pass through this phenomenal world concerned only with self−preservationselfishnessand selfish desires governed by the evil in their hearts and acting against the will of God

We suffer from birthsicknessold ageand deathforgetting our own true natureThe cause of this is the defilements

The defilements originate in the six sense organs the eyesearsnosetonguebodyand mind

To harmonize the six sense organs is to pay attention to right mindbased on the Middle Way

To pay attention to the mind is to reflect on ourselvesWe should realize that a reflecting mind purifies the soul

We are not aloneWe should be aware that guiding and protecting spirits are with us in our consciousness

We should thank them and understand that reflection helps us receive their guidance more adequately

We should realize that correct understanding of the six sense organs leads to the enlightened state buddhahood

We should thank God and the Buddha for their great compassion and realize that a spirits of harmony among all that exists is the will of God

We should have a sense of gratitude to our ancestorsphysically linked to usand show devotion to our parents

We should harmonize our body and mindalways lead a sound lifeand create a peaceful environment

All that exists−animalsplantsminerals−is the source of energy for the sustenance of our physical body

Aware of a sense of gratitude to these energy sourceswe should spiritually train ourselves in our daily lives

By leading daily lives that are harmoniouswe will more strongly receive the source of our hearts  energy  from God and the Buddha

Physical suffering becomes spiritual sufferingWithout physical sufferingwe are apt to feel attachment to sensual desires

Neither joy nor suffering is the basis for true enlightenment

Abandoning both extremes and entering the Middle Waywe extinguish the defilements of self−preservationselfishnessand selfish desires

With all phenomena we must exercise right view right thoughtright speech right workright livingright effortright mindfulnessand right meditation

It is in this wayin the life of the True Law that we receive the light of God and the Buddha and from the shore of delusion reach the other shore of enlightenment

At that momentour heart is harmonized with the hearts of God and the Buddha and peace of mind results

Entering the world of lightthe heart reaches the perfect state of concentrationSamadhi).

This message is the eternal Truth of GodWe should live according to this truth.)

  • Shingyo loudly proclaims that human beings are children of God.

    It brings to collapse the traditional extremely small myth that human beings are sinful. There is no image of the human being depending on others.

    Spiritual path harmonizes the great universe, considers the universe as an eternal life, and clarifys human being's attitude as a creature walking toward the completion of universe which never ends.

    Human beings are children of God.

    Therefore Shingyo is not an activity of worshipping or memorizing something. Understanding and practicing it has the significance.

    It has no extremely small myth in which people depend on and worship something.

    Our minds lead to the mind of God.

    If we consider the true shapes of human beings which lead to the mind of God as true self, we can consider the shapes of human beings which are covered with their own mind smogs and lost light as false self.
    It's only yourself who can get rid of your own smog. This is a strict rule imposed on human beings who are children of God.
    And it's important to question your own mind which can't tell a lie to yourself.

    A person can tell a lie to others but not to oneself. Believe in your own mind which can't tell a lie to you. It's the true faith.
    In daily life, regarding all the phenomena, watch right, think right, talk right, work right, live right, seek for the road right, hope right, and do Zenjo (meditation) right. Find yourself as a true self through the Hasshoudou (Noble Eightfold Path).
    Find yourself full of tender love.
    When you find yourself as a true self full of tender love, your activity will be love to harmonize the world.

    There is a phrase, "you have faith, and I have practice". True faith is not prayer.

    When people recognize that they are kept alive, gratitude is nurtured and the good mind is turned into the activity of returning the favor. The activity is the very prayer.

    "Shingyo" is an expression of truth of the universe and minds of human beings by Kotodama (mystical powers dwelling in words). Therefore "Shingyo" is not reading or memorizing, but understanding and practicing it.
    You must know Shobou (the true law) is that life exists in practice.







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